How to Tie 3 Basic Knots for Camping, Boating & Survival | SGT KNOTS® Skip to content
tying knots for everyday use

Knots for Beginners: 3 Basic Knots For Everyday Use

Anyone can benefit from learning a few basic knots for everyday use. Knots can be used for a variety of purposes, such as securing a load, tying up a boat, or even getting out of a dangerous situation. And while there are hundreds of different knots to choose from, novice knot-tyers only need to learn a few basic knots to get them started. The three knots described below are some of the most commonly used knots that anyone can learn with a bit of practice. 

Want to learn even more? The Knot Tying Kit with Waterproof Reference Cards is a great guide for beginners looking to master the basic knots that all outdoor enthusiasts should know. In addition to the knots included below, this easy-to-learn knot tying kit includes step-by-step guides for learning how to tie a figure 8 knot, butterfly loop, lanyard knot, and so many others.  

3 Basic Knots for Beginners to Learn and Master

Whether you need to know how to tie a knot for a specific purpose or just want to improve your knot-tying skills in case you need them, we can help! Learn how to tie basic knots for everyday use, starting with these three options. 

1. The Square Knot

    The first knot is the square knot, also known as the reef knot. Sailors often use this knot to tie two lines together, but it can also be used for other applications where you need to tie together two ropes of equal thickness. To tie a square knot, start by holding the two lines side-by-side in your left hand. Then take the end of one line in your right hand and pass it over the other line and under your left hand. Next, take the end of the other line in your right hand and pass it over the first line and under your left hand. Finally, pull both ends of the rope tight.

    tying a square knot for beginners

    2. The Bowline Knot

      The second knot on our list is the bowline knot, which climbers and hikers often use to attach a rope to their waist or an anchor point. To tie a bowline knot, first, make a small loop at the rope's end. Next, take the end of the rope and pass it through the loop from back to front. Then, pass the end of the rope around the standing part of the rope and back through the loop. Finally, tighten the knot by pulling on both ends of the rope.

      tying a bowline knot for beginners

      3. The Clove Hitch

        Last in our list of basic knots for beginners is the clove hitch. This knot is often used for attaching a rope to a post or tree. To tie a clove hitch, start by wrapping the rope around the post once. Then make a loop with the end of the rope and pass it over the top of the post. Next, wrap the rope around the post again and pass the end through the loop. Finally, pull the ends of the rope tight.

        beginning to tie basic knots

        Become an Expert at Tying Rope in No Time

        With a little practice, you'll be able to tie these basic knots for everyday use in no time. And once you've mastered them, you can use them for all sorts of applications or watch our knot tutorials to master even more complex ties. Of course, to tie knots effectively, you need rope! You can shop our extensive collection of rope products, including paracord, Dacron polyester rope, nylon rope, and more. To further explore the world of ropes and knot tying, make sure to follow SGT KNOTS on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook!

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