Zero Gravity Reclining Chair Universal Repair/Replacement Cord Kit - For Outdoor Lounge Chairs
SGT KNOTS® Zero Gravity Style Chair Universal Replacement Lace Kit made with premium quality polyester shock (bungee) cord finished with metal stopper clips at the end of each cord. Most "zero gravity" style chair manufacturers use polypropylene bungee cord which does not have good abrasion and UV characteristics - resulting in the cord losing elasticity.
SGT KNOTS® Replacement Laces are made with ultra-premium bungee cord with an extra polyester cover which greatly increases durability to UV rays and abrasion. Kit comes complete with: (2) 3/16" x 36" lengths, and (2) 3/16" x 74" lengths - each cord end is finished with a solid brass stopper clip. Brass stopper clips make the replacement of the original lacing much easier than using replacement cord without stopper clips.
- Your chair (and kit) should have four separate laces œ two long and two short. The short cords are for the top and the long cords are for the seat. Start by removing the top (shorter) lace from ONE side of your chair (it is very important that you one remove and replace one at a time).
- Using a short cord from your new kit start to lace the cord in the same manner that the original cord was laced œ use the opposite side of the chair as a reference. The brass stopper clip should be positioned at the back of the chair. The stopper clip is held in place by folding the cord at a 90 degree angle œ which creates a pulling the cord taunt (not super tight) will hold the cord stopper in place.
- Using the same technique, replace the cord on the lower side of the chair. Please note: your original chair may have been double-laced. The replacement bungee cord in your SGT KNOTS kit is a heavy-duty cord and does not need to be double-laced.
- Repeat the same process on the other side of your chair.