BOOK - To Fell a Tree ?Çô A Complete Guide to Tree Felling and Woodcutting Methods by Jeff Jepson
To Fell a Tree ?Çô A Complete Guide to Tree Felling and Woodcutting Methods by Jeff Jepson
Written for both the professional and occasional tree cutter, this book provides
essential information to ensure the safety and success of any tree felling and
woodcutting operation. Easy to follow step by step instructions. Publisher: Beaver
Tree Publishing (2009) Code: ISBN: 9780615338798
?Çó Preparations before the work begins
?Çó Felling a tree using a three step procedure
?Çó Felling difficult trees
?Çó Limbing and bucking the tree (snedding and cross-cutting)
?Çó Potential work hazards
?Çó Chain saw safety
?Çó Personal protective equipment
?Çó Protecting people and property
?Çó Felling storm damaged trees
?Çó Moving limbs and logs
?Çó Methods for splitting and stacking wood