WD-Polyester Mesh Backpack
Warehouse Deals - A simple laundry bag that hardly takes up any space when not in use, a great way to organize and secure any kind of gear whatever use you put these mesh bags too, you'll find their durability a great asset. The US 550 paracord drawstring takes these mesh bags a step further, especially for camping and survival needs. Not only do you get to avoid the snags, tears, and catches of a zipper, keeping your bag more securely closed and easier to open, but you have an emergency piece of paracord at your disposal for a tie-down, fishing line, or any of the other thousands of uses this essential piece of gear can provide.
Like all products made by SGT. KNOTS® proud to be a veteran-owned business. These mesh bags are entirely made in the USA and are the highest quality bags around. Outdoors or in, on the road or in the gym, wherever you take them and whatever you want to do with them, these mesh bags are guaranteed to be up to the task. Available in five different colors, they're a great match for your style, too.
- High-quality polyester mesh bags
- Available in fourteen colors: Black, Red, Kelly Green, Orange, Sky Blue, Royal Blue, Gold, Purple, Neon Yellow, Neon Lime, Neon Orange, Neon Pink, Navy Blue, and Gray
- Made in the USA and backed by the SGT. KNOTS® guarantee