ALL GEAR Arborist 3/4 X 10' SLING
All-Gear Husky-12 Soft Rig Slings
Used in place of a block and pulley, this sling is much lighter and set to a working
position in seconds. With no rig points, this sling adjusts to fit any diameter limb
with a protective chafe sleeve at the wear points.
• 10 rigging eyes – sliding outer ballistic nylon outer jacket 3' which slides to cover
any of the “ten rig point eyes” for extended life.
• Premium Coating provides excellent resistance to chemicals, sunlight, and abrasion.
• AGSRS12S-128 – Red; Diameter: 1/2" x 8' L; ABS: 11,000 lbs; Weight: 3 lbs
• AGSRS-1210 – Red; Diameter: 1/2" x 10' L; ABS: 11,000 lbs; Weight: 3 lbs
• AGSRS12S-5810 – Yellow; Diameter: 5/8" x 10' L; ABS: 16,000 lbs; Weight: 4 lbs
• AGSRS12S-3410 – Green; Diameter: 3/4" x 10' L; ABS: 22,000 lbs; Weight: 5.5 lbs