How to Make a Rope Planter with a 5-Gallon Bucket by SGT KNOTS® Skip to content
ProManila Planter Bucket

ProManila Planter Bucket

You don't have to pay a landscaper top dollar to upgrade the look of your garden. We transformed an old 5 gallon bucket into an attractive planter for this tutorial. It took a little under 2 hours to wrap this and about a day to let the glue fully cure.

Promanila is s
tronger, lighter, and less expensive than natural fiber manila rope. This tan-colored polypro rope looks just like the real thing but holds up even better to wear & tear, moisture, oils & chemicals, and everyday use in almost any situation.


    Promanila Planter Bucket

    Some failed attempts taught us that superglue and Gorilla Glue were no match for plastic to plastic bonds. After some research, we landed on J-B Weld: Marine Weld Epoxy Adhesive. It worked like a charm and it's less than 5 bucks.

    Planter Bucket Steps

    1) To start, squeeze about a dime’s worth of glue into your dish and mix it with the small wooden stick that comes with the epoxy. You only have 20 minutes to work with the glue once it leaves the tube, so you’ll need to work with small batches.

    2) Spread about 1/3 of your dollop of glue onto the top edge of your bucket. 

    3) Place and hold the end of your rope on the glue.

    Planter Bucket Instructions

    4) Use a C-Clamp to hold the rope tightly against the bucket until the glue fully cures. You can also use tape here, but then you will need to wait a full day for it to cure before proceeding further. 

    5) Continue to spread a dab of glue every 3-4 rows. 

    6) Keep winding and gluing until you get to the bottom! Just make sure you leave enough epoxy to get to the end of the rope. We used our whole tube of glue on this project.

    Promamila Planter Bucket

    One 100ft roll of our 1/2" Twisted Promanila rope was the perfect amount for one 5 gallon bucket. We also happened to have a roll of 1/4" twisted promanila, which we used to finish off the edges, but it's not necessary.

    Bonus Tip: To save yourself soil and keep the bucket from getting too heavy you can fill the bottom 1/3 - 1/2 with packing peanuts. Happy planting!

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    Duane - July 5, 2019

    Did you try Goop adhesive sealer? I have used it to patch inner tubes for floating, fixed a turtles shell when it was run over in the sand and got cracked. (Taped shell to hold it in place while the glure cured and kept the turtle in a carboard box for several hours and let go. The next year found the same turtle attempting to lay eggs in the same spot. We recognized crack in the shell that we had fixed.)

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