5 Gift Ideas from SGT KNOTS® | SGT KNOTS® Skip to content

5 Gift Ideas from SGT KNOTS

Still struggling with a few last minute gifts for the person who has everything? I can all but guarantee I've got something in stock they've never even dreamed of, and I'm here with a few gift ideas that should help you knock out those last tough friends and family members on your gift list.

Fire-Starting Cord: Good for the Home and the Campsite

You know what's always handy to have on hand, no matter what the situation? A bit of paracord to tie things up with, set a quick hunting trap, make a quick splint, or any of the other thousand things this great cord can do.

You know what makes it even handier? The ability to start a fire!

Don't worry, there won't be any accidental flare-ups. This shock or "bungee" cords. Sturdy and stretchable, these cords can provide structure and momentum, helping to hold things back or launch things forward as need demands. The right person will think they're the greatest gift ever, promise.

Chrome Steel Balls are WAY Better Than Marbles

The problem with marbles is that they all look different, all clamoring for attention and causing fights over who has the prettiest one. In that in the bud by giving the gift of steel ball bearings instead, and just watch the enjoyment spread like the flu!

In all seriousness, kids love shiny things, and things that roll, and this is both! Just watch the throwing around windows…

Bootlaces for the Stoic and Quality-Minded

We've all got that father/uncle/grandfather who doesn't seem to have a use for anything other than the mundane necessities of daily life. Why try and force them to change when you can get a gift they'll truly appreciate?

A set of sturdy paracord shoelaces/bootlaces is sure to set their hearts aglow, knowing that breakages will be a thing of the past. They're available in an assortment of colors, too, from classic to camo and everything in between—who could resist?

Emergency Whistle Party Favors for When You're Ready to Leave

If you're the fun aunt/uncle/friend who gets to leave when the holidays are over, this is a gift you can save for your departure. If there's anything that kids love more than shiny things that roll, it's things that make loud noises, and these plastic emergency whistles are just the ticket.

No complaining to me if you aren't invited back next year.

Previous article Product Feature: Bungee Dock Line (2 Pack)

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