Tent Pole Replacement Bungee
Use this bungee cord to replace the factory cord that comes in the center of your tent poles. Size is 3/32 inch.
Use this bungee cord to replace the factory cord that comes in the center of your tent poles. Size is 3/32 inch.
Nothing controversial about this product. It\'s just well made thin bungee cord in longer lengths than you can get in a tent-pole repair kit.BTW, While we\'re on the subject of tentpole repair kits, the wires that come with them which you\'re supposed to use as bodkins totally ****.-- Use a length of thin brass rod, narrower than the bore of your tent-pole segments, (also available on Amazon), instead. Round one end off and use a Dremel or a file to flatten two opposite sides of the other end into a blade shape about 1/4\ long and drill a small hole in this. Use thread to attach bodkin to cord."